Valorant Console Announce
Clean up | Cor
Clean-up | Color

[PT] ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Trailer de divulgação de nova plataforma para o jogo "Valorant" realizado pelo estúdio Histeria! (animação 2D da abertura e do encerramento e vinhetas). Minha participação foi fazendo clean e cor de algumas cenas.

[EN] ​​​​​​​Trailer promoting a new platform for the game "Valorant" produced by Histeria! (2D animation intro, ending, and vignettes). My contribution was doing clean-up and color for some scenes.

[PT] ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Abaixo, as cenas que fiz clean e cor dos personagens. Primeiro, o tie-down da cena como me entregaram, depois a cena como entreguei e, logo após, a cena na sua versão final.

[EN] ​​​​​​​Below are the scenes where I did the clean-up and color of the characters. First, the tie-down of the scene as they delivered it to me, then the scene as I delivered it, and right after, the scene in its final version.


Client: Riot Games Global Marketing
Game: Valorant
Creative Direction: Drew Stauffer
Producers: Stephen Ellis, Nathan Hower & Courtney Carreiro
Video Director: Christopher Eaton
Writers: Shannon Denton & Dylan Bates
Art Direction: Brandon Meier & Ke Su
Agency: Mutiny

Produced by Histeria! and Dark Burn Creative

Animation Production
Directors: Jan Xavier and Gabriela Zaneti
Story by: Drew Stauffer, Christopher Eaton and Jan Xavier
Executive Producers: Marcelo Moreno
Producers: Lívia Quintanilha, Mauricio de Andrade and Marcelo Moreno
Social Media: Sibelle Lobo

Art Directors: Jeff Biglia and Igor Muniz
Storyboard/Animatic: Tony Neto
Concept Art / Styleframe: Bruno Medeiros, Igor Muniz, Jeff Biglia, Marcos Kenji Uchima
Modelsheet: Marcos Kenji Uchima
Character Layout: Carol Caporrino, Francine Gonzales, Giovanna Jahjah, Marcos Kenji Uchima, Mila Queiroz, Rodrigo Yokota, Shun Izumi and Flávia Passos (Estúdio Casa Locomotiva)
Concept VFX: Mateus Carvalho and Felipe Simões
Layout 3D: Igor Muniz and Cláudio Marques
Backgrounds: Igor Muniz and Guilherme Lascasas
Design: Igor Muniz and Bruno Medeiros

Animation Director: Felipe Simões
2D Rough Animation and Tiedown: Felipe Almeida, Gabriel Chagas, Geovani Angelo, Lena Franzz, Robb Reis
2D Clean Up and Color Supervisor: Mila Queiroz
2D Clean Up and Color: Andressa Taucei, Carol Caporrino, Denis Bargos, Francine Gonzales, Gabriela Bosco, Giovanna Jahjah, Mila Queiroz, Pedro Spaolonzi, Ton Presley.
VFX Animation: Alexandre Logeais, Duc Vu, Jonatha Santos, Mateus Carvalho, Pierre Mez, Satenik Manukyan

Post Production and Motion Graphics Direction: Gabriela Zaneti
Motion Graphics: Gabriela Zaneti, Samantha Oda, Saulo de Castro, Vinícius Ricardo
Compositing: Gabriela Zaneti, Larissa Garcia, Renato Montoro, Samantha Oda, Saulo de Castro, Tamires Campos
Post Production: Gabriela Zaneti, Larissa Garcia, Renato Montoro, Saulo de Castro, Tamires Campos

Sizzle Reel Production:
Dark Burn Creative
Creative Director: Noah Cooper
Associate Creative Director: Mitch McCarthy
Senior Producer: John Quick
Creative Producer: Nathalie Maciel
Associate Producer: Christine Park
Assistant Producer: Jonathan Yuan

Sound by Riot Audio Post Production
Music Supervision by Riot Music Group
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