You and Me Makes Us
Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story Anthem
Clean up | Cor
Clean-up | Color
[PT] Clipe de divulgação para o jogo da Riot "Song of Nunu" realizado pelo estúdio Histeria!. O vídeo conta com animações 3D e 2D (frame a frame) e a minha participação foi fazendo clean e cor de algumas cenas.
[EN] Music video for the promotion of the Riot game called 'Song of Nunu,' produced by the studio Histeria!. The video features both 3D and 2D animation (frame by frame), and my contribution was in doing clean-up and color for some scenes.

[PT] Abaixo, as cenas que fiz clean e cor dos personagens. Primeiro, o tie-down da cena como me entregaram, depois a cena como entreguei e, logo após, a cena na sua versão final.
[EN] Below are the scenes where I did the clean-up and color of the characters. First, the tie-down of the scene as they delivered it to me, then the scene as I delivered it, and right after, the scene in its final version.

Produced by: Histeria! Studio
Client: Riot Forge and Tequila Works
Game: Song of Nunu
Clients: Drew Stauffer, Steve Winsett, Liam Neary
Director: Jan Xavier
Story by: Drew Stauffer and Jan Xavier
Executive Producer: Marcelo Moreno
Producers: Lìvia Quintanilha, Marcelo Moreno
Production Assitance: Ana Paula Godoy
Social Media: Sibelle Lobo
Art Directors: Victor Tchaba and Igor Muniz
Concept Art: Victor Tchaba, Hiro Kawahara, Jeff Biglia
Storyboard/Animatic: Mateus Carvalho
Colorscript: Victor Tchaba
Art Supervisor: Victor Tchaba and Hiro Kawahara
Backgrounds: Jéssica Brasil, Malu Menezes, Mateus Carvalho, Ton Presley, Vinícius Domingues
Character Design (inspiredby Riot): Victor Tchaba, Hiro Kawahara, Jéssica Brasil, Malu Menezes, Ton Presley, Vinícius Domingues
Graphic Design: Victor Tchaba
StyleFrames: Gabriel dos Anjos, Jéssica Brasil, Malu Menezes, Ton Presley, Vinícius Domingues
Original 3D Models by: Riot Games
CGI Direction: Igor Muniz
Additional Modeling: Bruce Lima, Cláudio Marques, Igor Muniz, Jhassy Bispo
Rigging: Glauber Belo
Simulation: Gabriel Reid, Igor Muniz, Cláudio Marques
Character Lookdev: Igor Muniz
Environment: Cláudio Marques, Jhassy Bispo, Felipe Del Rio, Igor Muniz
Scene Assembly: Igor Muniz, Murillo Cunha
Lookdev/Lighting: Cláudio Marques, Davi Lacerda, Felipe Del Rio, Igor Muniz, Jhassy Bispo
Matte Painting: Gabriel dos Anjos
Animation Director: Jan Xavier
Animation Supervisors: Breno Licursi and Felipe Simões
2D Animators: Árthemis Iannuzzi, Breno Licursi, Gabriel Chagas, Gian Burani, Jeff Lima, Paulo Pássaro, Robson Vilalba, Thiago Geremias, Viviane Guimarães
Cleanup/Color: Ana Gonçalves, Carolina Batista, Denise Bargos, Francine Gonzales, Julia Balthazar, Lucas Batalha, Mila Queiroz, Paulo Pássaro, Shuggie Laufquen, Viviane Guimarães
Background Animation: Gabriela Zaneti, Vinicius Ricardo
2D VFX: Breno Licursi, Grapegum Squad, Pola Lucas, André Camillo, Alexandre Barreto, Bruno Curcino, Fernando Rangel, Thalyne Matoos, Vinicius Ricardo
3D Layout: Jan Xavier
3D Animators: Bruna Berford, Bruna Camporezi Lopes, Fábio Pugliese, Felipe Simões, João Paulo Buosi, Jonathan Bento, Marcos Elias, Ronaldo Brito
3D VFX: Renato Montoro, Samantha Oda, Vinicius Ricardo
Editing: Jan Xavier and Renato Montoro
Post-Production Direction: Gabriela Zaneti and Renato Montoro
2D Compositing: Gabriela Zaneti, Vinicius Ricardo
3D Compositing: Renato Montoro, Hugo Dionisi, Samantha Oda
Color Grading: Lucas Campos
Artist: DEEGAN
Composers: Zack Ely, Steve Pagano, Deegan Reeves
Lyricists: Deegan Reeves
Publishers: Co-published by Riot and The Hit House Global Publishing BMI
Mixed by Jeff Kanan at Consonance Productions
Mastered by Jonny Altepeter