Clean up | Cor
Clean-up | Color
[PT] Curta frame a frame, no qual participei fazendo tie-down, clean up e cor. Em algumas das cenas também animei alguns elementos como cabelo, colar e gravata dos personagens.
[EN] Frame-by-frame short animation in which I participated by handling tie-down, clean-up, and coloring. In some scenes, I also animated elements such as hair, necklaces, and ties for the characters.

[PT] Abaixo, a cena animada como recebi. No segundo vídeo, o tie-down feito por mim.
[EN] Below, you can see the animated scene as I received it. In the second video, you can observe the tie-down work I completed.

[PT] A mesma cena, dessa vez com clean e cor. Logo após, a cena finalizada pela equipe de composição.
[EN] The same scene, but this time with clean-up and color work done by me. Right after, the finalized scene by the compostion team.

[PT] Mais uma cena que fiz desde o tie-down. Abaixo, a cena animada como recebi. Logo após, o tie-down. No terceiro vídeo, o clean e cor. No quarto, a cena finalizada.
[EN] One more scene that I worked on, from tie-down to color. Below, you can see the animated scene as I received it. Right after, the tie-down animation. In the third video, clean-up and color. In the fourth, the finalized.

[PT] Abaixo, a cena em rough como recebi. No segundo vídeo, o tie-down, logo após, o clean e a cor - as 3 etapas realizados por mim. No quarto vídeo, a cena finalizada pela equipe de composição.
[EN] Below, you can see the rough animation as I received it. In the second video, you'll find the tie-down, following that, the clean-up and coloring of the scene - all stages done by me. In the fourth video, the finalized scene by the compostion team.

[PT] Já na cena abaixo, fiz só a parte de tie-down. No primeiro vídeo, a cena animada como recebi. No segundo, o tie-down, em que adicionei gravata e colar dos personagens e detalhes das mãos e dos rostos.
[EN] In the scene below, I only handled the tie-down stage. In the first video, you can see the rough animation as I received it. In the second one, you can observe the tie-down work, in which I added the tie and necklace of the characters and details of their hands and faces.

[PT] Na cena seguinte, fiz clean e cor. No primeiro vídeo, a cena como recebi. Após, a parte feita por mim.
[EN] In the next scene, I was responsible for the clean-up and coloring. In the first video, you can see the rough animation as I received it. Later, you can see the stages completed by me.

Direction: Filipe Consoni
Producer: Fern
Art Direction: Jefferson Biglia
Sound Design: Saulo Baumgartner
Fern Executive Producers: James Mabery, Caroline Lobo
Animation: Adelir Boeira, Deco Daviola, Filipe Consoni, Guilherme Gurian, Gustavo Mochiuti, Natália Faria, Pola Lucas, Wander Deley
Additional animation and composite: Adelir Boeira, Filipe Consoni, Henrique Zago, Matheus Canto
Clean-up: Adelir Boeira, Dazy Teodoro, Filipe Consoni, Francine Rocha, Jefferson Biglia
Producer: Fern
Art Direction: Jefferson Biglia
Sound Design: Saulo Baumgartner
Fern Executive Producers: James Mabery, Caroline Lobo
Animation: Adelir Boeira, Deco Daviola, Filipe Consoni, Guilherme Gurian, Gustavo Mochiuti, Natália Faria, Pola Lucas, Wander Deley
Additional animation and composite: Adelir Boeira, Filipe Consoni, Henrique Zago, Matheus Canto
Clean-up: Adelir Boeira, Dazy Teodoro, Filipe Consoni, Francine Rocha, Jefferson Biglia